What he offers

Larry and IFDC offer a unique service tailored around the basic fundamentals of the hospitality industry: customer's are number one. Your dream, your vision and even your goals become Larry's once he takes on a project. He offers confidentiality, security and a vision to make your business the best it can be.

He uses his experience and knowledge amassed over his 35 years in the industry to culminate in what his experience tells him is the best solution.

Key issues

Our key challenge is to find you the best solution for your refit, upgrade or new installation. We work to optimize your long-term cost benefits combines with efficient up-front capital expenditure.

Every solution is designed to deliver the best of both.

Menu development

What should you be serving up? The right menu can determine whether a business is profitable or not. Your menu will also be influenced by what your facilities are designed to produce most efficiently. Years of designing menus for various types of facility have given us the insight and experience to know how this can make or break a business.

Let our experience work for you and start out with an advantage.

Consulting & Kitchen Management

Getting the best out of your facilities. We can also help you to put efficient practices in place and ensure that your facilities are well-managed to maximize profits. We offer training, assistance with contracts and purchasing negotiations as well as sales and marketing assistance.

Business development & recovery operations

You want help to develop a growing business or recover a business that is failing? We can help you.

There are times when a business is not performing to expectations and a fresh set of eyes are needed to gain insight into the situation to create a plan to turn it around. We have experience in recovery operations of this type and a track record of success. We can help your business by evaluating it and developing strategies to resolve the challenges you are facing.

We will help implement the strategies and also monitor and review the solutions as implemented to ensure that these strategies are working for you and your employees sticking to them.

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